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Rules on Handling of Personal Information

Rules on Handling of Personal Information

Immuno Probe Co., Ltd. sometimes asks customers to provide their personal information in various aspects of its business activities.
Immuno Probe will make its best efforts to appropriately manage and protect personal information by complying with relevant laws, regulations, and guidelines, including the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, (hereinafter, the “relevant Laws and Regulations”) and Immuno Probe’s internal rules (hereinafter, the “Internal Rules”) and by establishing this Privacy Policy (hereinafter, “this Policy”), as follows.

  • 1. Acquisition of Personal Information

    Immuno Probe will appropriately obtain personal information in accordance with the relevant Laws and Regulations, and the company’s Internal Rules. If Immuno Probe needs to obtain information designated by law as special care-required personal information, Immuno Probe will, in principle, obtain such information with the consent of the customer concerned.
  • 2. Purposes of Use

    Immuno Probe will identify, as comprehensively as possible, each purpose of use of personal information, in accordance with the relevant Laws and Regulations, and Internal Rules, and will handle such personal information within the scope of that purpose. Immuno Probe will also notify or disclose and, if necessary, expressly present the identified purpose of use to customers concerned, in accordance with the relevant Laws and Regulations, and Internal Rules. The purposes of use to be disclosed by Immuno Probe are as stated in “II. Purposes of Use of Personal Information.”
  • 3. Confidentiality and Accuracy

    Immuno Probe will handle personal information in a manner that assures appropriate security.
    Immuno Probe will also keep personal information accurate and up to date to the extent necessary for the purposes of use and will delete such personal information in an unrecoverable manner as and when the information is no longer required.
  • 4. Provision to Third Parties

    Immuno Probe will not provide any customer’s personal information to any third party (including any overseas third party) without the customer’s prior consent, unless expressly required to do so under the relevant Laws and Regulations. If Immuno Probe provides a customer’s personal information to a third party, it will require such third party to appropriately handle the personal information in the same manner as is provided for in the Internal Rules.
  • 5. Outsourcing

    Immuno Probe sometimes outsources acquisition, use, and other processing of personal information to contractors. Immuno Probe requires such contractors to appropriately handle the personal information in the same manner as is provided for in the Privacy Policy and to supervise such contractors accordingly.
  • 6. Disclosure, Correction, Deletion, or Suspension of Personal Information

    If a customer desires that his/her personal information be disclosed, corrected, deleted, suspended, or otherwise processed, such customer can contact the contact point below. The contact person will promptly respond in accordance with the relevant Laws and Regulations after confirming that the inquirer is the principal.